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A member registered Aug 30, 2016

Recent community posts

This is adorable! Super fun and really easy to pick up. I'd love to see more levels if you are thinking about expanding it.

That sounds beautiful! Good luck with that!

Corgi Jam community » Brainstorm · Created a new topic Ideas?

Hey everyone!

I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas of what they might work on for this jam and would be willing to share their thoughts. I want to get a gauge of what everyone's bringing to this. I have an idea, but its really heavy and I'm not sure it would be a fit for this jam.

Good luck! Feel free to reach out if you need help or motivation or just someone to talk to. It seems like theres a good community here

Fascinating concept. I can't wait to play it! Good luck with that timeline

Does anyone have any recommendations for some free, royalty-free resources for graphics/music/etc.? It would be amazingly helpful if we could get a list going!

I'm in the same boat there! Good luck to you!